
May 9, 2018

PhD Positions in Data Analytics and Decision Sciences at Politecnico di Milano in Italy, 2018

­Applications are invited for up to 3 PhD Positions in Data Analytics and Decision Sciences to study at the Politecnico di Milano, Italy. These positions are available for Italian and Foreign students.

The Politecnico di Milano (English: Polytechnic University of Milan) is the largest technical university in Italy, with about 42,000 students. It offers undergraduate, graduate and higher education courses in engineering, architecture and design. Founded in 1863, it is the oldest university in Milan.

Citizens of Countries in which English is an official language are not required to certify their knowledge of English.

Scholarship Description: 

  • Application Deadline: May 21, 2018
  • Course Level: Positions are available to pursue PhD programme.
  • Study Subject: Positions are awarded in Data Analytics and Decision Sciences. Positions are available for following topics:
  • Topic 1 – Data Integration and Analysis in Heterogeneous Environments
  • Topic 2 – Healthcare Research in a Real-World Evidence Setting
  • Topic 3 – Data Analytics for Impact Measurement and Economic Interdependencies in Complex Ecosystems
  • Nationality: Available to Italian and Foreign students
  • Number of Scholarships: There are four scholarships available.
  • Scholarship can be taken in Italy

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: These positions are available to Italian and Foreign students.

Entrance Requirements: To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following requirements:

Applications may be submitted by Italian and foreign students holding a university degree obtained under the educational system in force prior to M.D. n. 509 dated 3.11.1999, or a Laurea Specialistica (equivalent to a Master of Science) obtained in accordance with M.D. n. 509 dated 3.11.1999, or a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to a Master of Science) obtained in accordance with M.D. n. 270 dated 22.10.2004, or similar academic qualifications obtained abroad that are equivalent in terms of duration and contents to the Italian qualifications and qualified as fit by the Selection Committee.

In case of foreign qualifications, applicants must submit all documents required to enable the Selection Committee to establish the eligibility of the qualifications obtained abroad.

Admission to the call is reserved only to applicants who:

  • Have obtained a Laurea Magistrale in Italy (or equivalent qualifications that are valid for admission to PhD programmes) with a final score no lower than 95/110 or 86/100;
  • For qualifications obtained abroad, have the minimum average score in exams indicated in the appendix to the call (attachment 1). For the Countries not included in this list, the evaluation will be provided directly by the Selection Committee.

English Language Requirements: Citizens of Countries in which English is an official language are not required to certify their knowledge of English. Similarly, applicants who have been awarded or will be awarded academic qualifications by an institute in which all teaching activities are carried out in English are not required to certify their knowledge of English. In this latter case, candidates are required to submit an official language certification by the corresponding academic institute.

PhD Scholarships

Application Procedure: 

How to Apply: Applications for admission to the call, one for each PhD programme for which the applicant wishes to apply, and the attached documentation, must be drawn up and submitted exclusively in electronic form by 2 PM (in this call, time is always intended as Italian local time) on 21st May 2018, through the online procedure available at the website.

Applicants shall attach to their application:  a certificate proving his/her knowledge of English, as specified in art. 2 of this call;

  • A PDF report illustrating the development of a possible PhD research project (minimum 4,000,
  • Maximum 8,000 characters, excluding bibliographies and pictures,), prepared using the RTF form available in the procedure. If the aimed PhD programme includes research areas, applicants must attach a report for each – maximum two – research area for which they intend to compete. Please note that the research project illustrated in the report prepared for the competition is not necessarily the project that will be carried out during the PhD programme. If admitted, the research project that will in fact be carried out will be subsequently defined and approved by the Programme Faculty Board after the start of the PhD programme. The dissertation, complete with bibliographies and pictures must be contained in a single pdf file maximum size 3 MB;
  • Curriculum vitæ in PDF format, using the template provided in RTF in the procedure. Applicants must supply the information requested in the CV template. In particular, the CV should include the list of the applicant’s publications and a recent photo of the candidate. Furthermore, it can also contain no more than two attached documents (for instance, a portfolio and a publication, or 2 publications) chosen among those that are deemed most significant to illustrate the applicant’s potential. The curriculum and its attachments must be provided in a single file that shall not exceed 10 MB;
  • PDF documents relating to all their University qualifications (awarded, or to be awarded), with the diploma, if available, in the original language, the list of exams taken, the corresponding scores and the translations in Italian or English;
  • A duly signed copy of their identification document; non-EU applicants must attach a copy of their passport, or of another identification document together with its translation in Italian or English;
  • A copy of their Italian tax code. This request is mandatory for Italian applicants, while foreign applicants will be required to obtain and submit an Italian tax code to complete the enrolment.

Online Application

Scholarship Link

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via Scholarship Positions 2018 2019

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